ISSN 2713-0681 (2308-829X up to No.2 2021)
Publication frequency: quarterly. Founded in 1995.
Editor-in-Chief - Victor K. Levashov, Dr. Sci. (Soc.) 
Indexation: RINC, DOAJ
Double blind peer review
Open Access

Quarterly peer-reviewed journal “Science. Culture. Society” has been published by the Institute of Socio-Political Research of the Federal Center of Theoretical and Applied Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1995. Until 2005, it was titled: “Social Policy and Entrepreneurship”; “Entrepreneurship. Politics. Science”; “Science. Politics. Entrepreneurship”.

The mission of the journal is to inform Russian and foreign readers and maintain an academic discourse at a fundamental level among the scientific, expert, general public, politicians and entrepreneurs about the current results of theoretical, exploratory and applied research at the intersection of natural science, socio-cultural and socio-political issues. First of all, scientific materials of a theoretical and empirical nature on a wide range of social and humanitarian knowledge related to problematic and predictive aspects of the development of Russian society and state, the international community and global society are accepted for publication. The journal sets itself the task of filling the professional infosphere with reliable scientific-theoretical and scientific-practical knowledge, disclosing the scientific potential of young researchers and scientists. In order to intensify the exchange of scientific knowledge, the journal accepts materials in Russian and English for publication.

The journal is aimed at researchers, analysts, teachers, graduate students and students interested in socio-political processes, management personnel, politicians.

Open Access Policy

In order to expand the global exchange of knowledge, the journal adheres to a policy of open access to current and archived issues. Full electronic versions of articles are posted on the official website of the journal and are available for review, copying, downloading, distribution and use for other legal purposes in the absence of financial, legal and technical barriers, with the exception of those that regulate access to the Internet itself, but with the obligatory indication of authorship and a link to the magazine's website. Materials are available under the Creative Commons Attribution International 4.0 CC-BY license.

Payment Policy

The journal publishes articles free of charge: the editorial board does not pay royalties, the author does not pay any fees.